Thank You For The Help

With all the books I’ve read lately I’ve been so upset that I’ve forgotten what it feels like to suspend my disbelief. But then I read The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  I cried, I laughed, I hoped…this book got to me in such a good way.  It didn’t annoy me like all the other books I’ve been reading since I’ve entered editing mode of my own novel.  I actually couldn’t stop reading The Help and I was so sad when it was over. I’m sure that Stockett got a lot of heat since she is a white woman writing in the perspective of black maids in the 60s.  And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t skeptical despite hearing such great things about it.  Stockett did it though.  She made me love those characters and grow with them.  I wanted Aibileen to be able to feel whole despite the loss of her son.  I was so eager for Minny to get out of her abusive relationship.  And I was so proud of Skeeter for staying true to what she believed in, despite heartache and the loss of her friends (who needs them?).

The only thing I didn’t like about the book was how open ended the ending was. And it’s only because I loved the characters and wanted to know what happened next with them.  I wanted to be able to verify that Aibileen and Minny stayed safe and were able to successfully start the next chapter of their lives, and I wanted to see if Skeeter was able to find love and acceptance in New York.  If it hadn’t been a great book, then I wouldn’t have been disappointed with the ending at all.  I’m itching to see the movie now too.  I’m not ready to let go of the characters yet, so I’m hoping the movie stays true to them.  I can only hope that my book can tug at the reader’s heart strings in such a way.  The Help gave me hope that good books do still exist and that I’m still able to enjoy reading.  I was beginning to feel a little lost, so thank you for The Help, Stockett!